- 週期: 一個月以上佳。短期體驗 (至少>兩周)
- 作物: 四季蔬果、生菜,番茄、玉米等視季節而定。
- 工作內容: 定植/除草/採收/包裝等等。
- 工作時間: 周一~五。每天約 6~7小時 (上/下午各3~3.5小時) 視氣候和進度彈性調整。
- 居住:舒適的組合屋,簡易的廚房與乾淨的廁所。
- 三餐:自理 (小額餐費補助+可使用農場生產之食材)
備註: 農場備有腳踏車/ 摩托車可使用 (必須有駕照)。
離旗山/美濃鎮上約7分鐘。離高雄市區-直達專車 45分鐘車程。(來回程若時間允許可提供市區接送)
[ 收工後農場極度安靜。 適合喜歡安靜/獨處的夥伴。喜歡熱鬧的夥伴可能會失望 ]
我有興趣(請填報名表) → https://bt.ly/2tekLgx
填寫完畢後請主動以農場的 LINE 與我們聯繫。
For WWOOFER / Traveler / Foreigner Friends.
Garten is an organic farm that grow various of crops such as lettuce, tomatoes and fruit corn.
During your stay, you will be assigned to do and learn the majority of the farm works with us.
Working hours: 6 hours per day. weekend off.
Meal: DIY. Fresh farm produce and an extra allowance will be provided.
Clean and comfortable Accommodation.
bike and motorcycle (license required) provided.
we also provide pickup service from train or bus station in both Chisan town and downtown Kaohsiung.
If you need any assistance or further information, please feel free to contact us by email or phone.
Application form → https://bt.ly/2tekLgx